WCAX.COM Local Vermont News, Weather and Sports: Interview with Candace Brown and UVMHN-CVMC Physical Therapist Susan Stephen.
Candace Brown promised her late husband she’d run in the Boston Marathon this spring. It is an important promise because the Brown family is part of Boston Marathon history – Candace’s husband, Walter Brown, was the marathon’s official starter for 22 years, carrying on the family tradition begun by his grandfather in 1905
Candace had never run a marathon and knew she needed help. In October, after seeing our ad about a running and gait analysis clinic being given by UVMHN-CVMC’s Rehabilitation Therapy, Candace decided that this just might be the help she needed. Candace could have never imagined, however, just how much her life was about to change.At the clinic, physical therapist Susan Stephen talked with Candace about her goals and introduced her to the AlterG. Susan promised Candace that this anti-gravity treadmill would reduce the impact of running and walking and allow her to train better and faster AND help her achieve better overall wellness
Today, Candace Smith-Brown is set to do what seemed inconceivable to her when she first met Susan Stephen…she is ready to run the Boston Marathon.
"In the beginning I could barely run for more than a few minutes. I ran 23 miles a few weeks ago and I was laughing at the end! This is me!"
“I can’t say enough about the AlterG. I run, I’m tired, I’m sweaty – but I know that tomorrow I am not going to be in pain and need to recover. There will be no mental chatter that happens when you hurt – that ultimately makes you stop training. My endurance has increased – more than I ever thought it would or COULD – and I have developed a consistent, natural gait. I see the “boot campers” with stress fractures and then they’re down and out. Not me. I have it to give...and I keep going! I can’t tell you – it’s huge."
As it turns out, training for the Boston Marathon also turned out to be was good therapy. "I lost my husband and I did not know how I was going to get through it...or the winter. Nothing else would have worked. It is still hard, but I am doing something good and important. I am keeping my promise and I am getting healthy.
“The biggest surprise? I thought everything would hurt all the time. It doesn’t. I never thought I’d loose 71 pounds. I have. I’ll loose more. I’ve eliminated one medication entirely and I’m down to a quarter dose of the other for my diabetes. I can’t believe that. And you know, I choose food differently now. Bad stuff that I loved tastes differently now. I did celebrate St. Patrick’s Day – you just have to – with corned beef and cabbage but I only wanted a little. This is me!
“You know, when it comes to making life-changing decisions you don’t want to be lied to. Folks here are not like the weight loss commercials you see on TV. The folks here KNOW what they are talking about. They KNOW it works. They help you and you believe them because IT DOES WORK. I could not have done any of this without them. I am forever grateful.”
Candace’s goal is in sight and, best of all, she declares “I feel like a million bucks.”
Follow Candace's Weekly Progress on the AlterG
(This log leads up to the Boston Marathon. For more recent activity, visit Candace's MapMyRun page.)
March 2015
March 29
Ran 26.3 miles at 14.44 min/mile - 5 laps around the Berlin Pond! No pain and feeling great!
March 10
Wow, it took a bit to warm up today! I was still tired from Sunday's long run.
Distance: 9.00 mi, Duration: 1:13:00, Pace: 0:08:06 min/mi, Energy Burned: 2252 kCal
March 6
I haven't really said much about the weight loss side effect of using the Alter G on a regular basis. Those of you that have seen me probably have noticed a difference. Aside from getting stronger, having more endurance, and generally improved outlook on life, I have lost 68 lbs. 50 or so of them since I started using Alter G. The best part is nothing hurts and it is fun.
Distance: 7.80 mi, Duration: 1:00:00, Pace: 0:07:41 min/mi, Energy Burned: 1972 kC
March 5
One of the best things about Alter G is you can mess around with the buttons if your music isn't up to snuff. Today I played around with weight support for a while, for the most part I worked out at my usual 60% of body weight but I worked my way up to 75% just to see. Put it back after a mile or so and went to enjoying fantasies of running like the wind while I build up my endurance. Lily and I had apple slices for snack this afternoon. That is much better fuel than some kind of smiley face puff cereal, lol.
Distance: 8.00 mi, Duration: 1:01:13, Pace: 0:07:39 min/mi, Energy Burned: 2025 kCal
March 4
Take it easy, slow ride. I'm trying to save some for Sunday's long run. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.
Distance: 7.71 mi, Duration: 1:00:00, Pace: 0:07:46 min/mi, Energy Burned: 1945 kCal
March 3
Making plans for a 23 miler this weekend. Karen Storey mapped out a couple of routes on mapmyrun for me to check out. I realized that a few weeks ago when we did 20 miles, we met a friend on the way only around 4.5 miles out. I was so miserable I couldn't even look at her say nothing about listening to what she said. I've been wondering why it takes me 6 miles to settle in. WELL the answer is simply that Karen makes the first 5 miles of the runs UP hill. I guess it takes at least 1 going downhill to recover. I practiced going uphill for 5 miles today, varying from 5%-10% incline at 60% body weight. Nothing hurt but there is no doubt. Uphill is UP.
Distance: 8.30 mi, Duration: 1:03:00, Pace: 0:07:35 min/mi, Energy Burned: 2103 kCal
March 2
Nuff slacking on the beach. I'm starting to panic now that it is March! Today's workout brought me back to VT(hills), I did more incline work today, varied between 5-10% incline over a mile at a time instead of just .25. I also took away some of the weight support I used last time I did inclines. Just making sure I don't get my heart broken in April.
Distance: 8.15 mi, Duration: 1:00:00, Pace: 0:07:21 min/mi, Energy Burned: 2051 kCal
February 2015
February 20
Today was a pretty fun workout. Instead of increasing weight support and slowing down for the 10% inclines I stayed at 8.5 mph. at 50% weight of course but it helps get your brain and legs chatting about moving faster on an incline. At the end of the workout I increased my speed by 1/10 mph every 30 secs. So for the last 30 seconds I was burning it up at 10 miles per hour. I don't think I could have lasted more than 30 seconds, but it was fun to get there. When I think about it I am always amazed at how this machine has helped me get moving again. Just think, Nov. 25 the fastest speed I could muster was about 4 mph at 60%. Running outside I could only run 10 seconds with a 30 second recovery.
Wow, just Wow!
February 17
Great workout today. I added in some serious incline work today. I worked at 50-60 % of body weight running between 6.7-9.0 mph, at an incline between 3-10%. I was working, that is for sure. smile emoticon There is another clinic coming up in March 21, from 8am until noon. It is a walking/running clinic and gait analysis. Call 802-225-3941 talk to Dana to register or just call 371-4242 and tell them you want to try out the Alter G. It's on the Barre-Montpelier Rd. Easy peasy.... Just do it! I can't tell you how much better I feel.
Distance: 7.58 mi, Duration: 1:00:00, Pace: 0:07:54 min/mi, Energy Burned: 1906 kCal
February 13
Nice workout this afternoon. I didn't do anything tricky...doing 20 miles in the morning.
Distance: 8.10 mi, Duration: 58:45, Pace: 0:07:15 min/mi, Energy Burned: 2000 kCal
February 10
Awesome! That machine goes up to 15% incline. Doesn't hold a candle to Hollister Hill, especially at 60% weight. It was fun to change up settings today. Varied incline, pace, and weight support.
Distance: 8.31 mi, Duration: 1:01:00, Pace: 0:07:20 min/mi, Energy Burned: 2089 kCal
February 6
Decided to try for an extra mile today. I made it! This entire workout was at 3% incline at 60% of my body weight.
Distance: 6.05 mi, Duration: 45:13, Pace: 0:07:28 min/mi, Energy Burned: 1534 kCal
February 3
think Mom would call me twinkle toes. lol
Distance: 5.30 mi, Duration: 40:00, Pace: 0:07:32 min/mi, Energy Burned: 1320 kCal
January 2015
January 30
I was climbing up Sunshine Mountain today. I set the incline to 3% for 4 miles 4% for the last mile. I had a nice cool down walk after. It feels good to see improvement in all aspects of my training, the strength and endurance that I am gaining and also the weight loss and numerous other health benefits.
Distance: 5.00 mi, Duration: 37:33, Pace: 0:07:30 min/mi, Energy Burned: 1270 kCal
January 13
Alter your life G is more like it. This is one place I don't mind someone pushing my buttons. Haha, she says "look at you" and bang! another speed bump. Did this entire workout at 2% incline. I know, I know, April Rogers Farnham, but there is a lot to be said for baby steps, lol. And my leg seems to be well on its way to being un-sore-ish ( is that a word)- I'm sure it is for all you bootcampers. It is really is great to be able to build up some endurance at least while nursing a boo boo. Now for some leg strength. We will be working on that throughout the week.
Distance: 5.00 mi, Duration: 43:19, Pace: 0:08:39 min/mi, Energy Burned: 1236 kCal
January 9
Awesome workout. I added some inclines and intervals today. It was great! A side from just having plain old fun using this equipment, I have been taken off one of the diabetes medications and cut another one in half. I encourage every one to check this out. It really helps get you going.
Distance: 5.00 mi, Duration: 45:00, Pace: 0:09:00 min/mi, Energy Burned: 1236 kCal
January 2
I can't even say how much fun it is to go use this machine. The first time I ever used the Alter G I wasn't sure running was even possible for me. I put on XXL shorts and had a go. Today, I can't wait to get there and get started, I last longer, go faster, and the best part.... I'm using shorts size L! What else you can you ask for to help motivate yourself to keep on keeping on, and discover that you are starting to love something that once seemed impossible in a pair of shorts a size you never thought you would put on ever again.
Distance: 4.00 mi, Duration: 39:18, Pace: 0:09:49 min/mi, Energy Burned: 1130 kCal
December 2014
December 26
Awesome! There was a time when at 15 mins I kept saying to myself 5 more minutes, I think I can, I think I can, etc. Today, I started out for the first 1 mile at 10:10 minute pace, I thought that was good so the next mile 10 minute pace, 3rd mile what the heck 9:50, I must have been running out of oxygen because I gave myself a big smile and mile 4 9:40. I feel great! We'll see if I can get out of bed in the morning, lol. That will be another story, I'll blame it all on falling on the ice this morning.
Distance: 4.00 mi, Duration: 39:18, Pace: 0:09:49 min/mi, Energy Burned: 1167 kCal
December 23
Giddy Up, Giddy Up let's go....
Distance: 3.00 mi, Duration: 29:30, Pace: 0:09:50 min/mi, Energy Burned: 847 kCal
December 19
Oh what fun it is to ride.....
Distance: 3.00 mi, Duration: 30:00, Pace: 0:10:00 min/mi, Energy Burned: 851 kCal
December 16
Fly me to the moon....
Distance: 3.00 mi, Duration: 30:00, Pace: 0:10:00 min/mi, Energy Burned: 851 kCal
December 12
Wow, I never would of believed it.
Distance: 3.24 mi, Duration: 33:00, Pace: 0:10:11 min/mi, Energy Burned: 924 kCal
December 9
I was skeptical at first how an anti-gravity machine was going to help me get stonger, but it has. I am running a lot faster for a longer period of time. It is so cool!!
Distance: 2.91 mi, Duration: 30:00, Pace: 0:10:18 min/mi, Energy Burned: 832 kCal