Sandy Rousse has served as president and chief executive officer of Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice since 2012 and holds a lengthy affiliation with the organization through board and management leadership roles.
She has extensive knowledge of the home health and hospice industries. She has participated in multiple health reform stakeholder workgroups in Vermont and has in-depth knowledge of delivery system and payment reform. She is passionate about community-based healthcare and its role in population health.
Sandy is a member of the OneCare Vermont Finance and Population Health Strategy Committees and the University of Vermont Health Network Planning, Audit, and Population Health Committees. She is also a member of the Vermont Health Information Exchange Steering Committee and the Barre City Police Advisory Committee. She served on the Health Information Exchange Workgroup of the Vermont Health Innovation Project from 2013 to 2014.
Sandy is an accountant by trade and is a corporator of Northfield Savings Bank, as well as a member of the Vermont Society of CPAs and the Barre Rotary Club. She holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Rhode Island and lives in Barre City with her husband and daughter.