CVMC offers several services and treatments to help cancer survivors’ cope with long and short term side effects from their cancer or their cancer treatment. We strive to improve your quality of life.
CVMC Rehabilitation Therapy joins your cancer care team to help you address these side effects. Our approach in treating the “whole patient” has informed us, over time, that short- and long-term side effects of cancer and cancer treatment can be profound. As a cancer survivor facing these new challenges you can expect your care to continue in a collaborative manner.
Some of the side effects we see with our cancer recovering patients are:
- Decreased balance
- Decreased strength
- Decreased range of motion
- Pain
- Neuropathy
- Lymphedema
- Profound fatigue/decreased endurance
- Visual disturbances
- Speech and voice disorders
- Swallowing disorders
- Cognitive disorders
Rehabilitation Therapy at Central Vermont Medical Center provides Physical Therapy, both aquatic and land-based, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Pathology to patients experiencing cancer side effects.
Studies show that therapy programs introduced at the beginning of cancer treatment with a greater emphasis on endurance activities improve stamina and quality of life (QOL) for cancer survivors.
Studies show that gross motor abnormalities go largely unnoticed in cancer survivors because the majority of problems are not overtly physically disabling. These do however contribute to the individual’s self-esteem, level of fitness and success and enjoyment of recreational, educational and social activities.
Chemo Brain Rehabilitation
Research has shown that some cancer drugs can cause changes in the brain. These changes occur in the parts of the brain that perform functions such as memory, planning, and putting thoughts into action. Chemo brain is the mental cloudiness and confusion that can occur before, during and after cancer treatment.
Our Speech Language Pathologists can help you learn coping strategies to manage these symptoms, and work with you to improve your cognitive skills.
Learn more about Chemo Brain Rehabilitation at CVMC.
Cancer Exercise Group – FIT Survivors
FIT Survivors is for patients who have cancer or have been treated for cancer. This 12 week session is held two to three times throughout the year. The group meets with a personal trainer.
This cancer fitness program is designed to meet the unique needs of all types of cancer survivors. It is designed to help improve stamina, cardio respiratory fitness and muscle strength.
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Location: Rehabilitation Services, 1311 Barre/Montpelier Road, Berlin VT
Space is limited to 6 people per session
Cost is minimal (call to inquire)
For more information about upcoming classes call 371-4242.