Learn about the experiences our patients have had during their time at Woodridge Rehabilitation and Nursing.

Jason Boisvert
Learn the story of Jason Boisvert of Graniteville, VT, who speng three months as a patient at Woodridge Rehabilitation & Nursing after falling off a ladder. “What really stuck out here were the people,” he said, recalling the steady stream of friendly, caring staff taking an interest and checking in on him many times every day.

Paul Somaini
After having both knees replaced, Paul Somiani of Barre, Vermont was able to return home after just 10 days of intensive physical and occupational therapy at Woodridge.

Holly Wheeler
After a severe case of gout rendered retired school teacher Holly Wheeler unable to walk, the staff at Woodridge got her back on her feet and helped her gain a much better outlook on life and about what’s possible.

Barbara Gould
Barbara Gould, a 50-year resident of Barre, was retired for just five days from her 17 years as a caregiver/nurse at Heaton Woods when she went in for hip surgery at Dartmouth-Hitchcock.

Jane Owens
This past summer, as Jane Owens of Wapenger Falls, NY prepared for her much anticipated trip to Belgium, the thought of ending up in Vermont, as a patient at Woodridge Rehabilitation and Nursing, was about as far from her thoughts as ending up on the moon.

Bob Lizzari
For Montpelier resident Bob Lizzari, having this transitional place to live and focus on rehabilitation and getting stronger following foot surgery was a key component to his recovery.
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