CVMC supports your recovery efforts. Our Emergency Department team is here to help you find safe, quick access to recovery through medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
CVMC supports your recovery efforts. Our Emergency Department team is here to help you find safe, quick access to recovery through medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
Our Rapid Access to MAT program, the first of its kind in Vermont, recognizes medical treatment as one key to opioid recovery. Rapid Access to MAT provides same-day treatment (where appropriate) with buprenorphine, a medication used to end addiction and control withdrawal from opioids.
To be considered for the program, you’ll be asked to:
- Answer specific questions about your substance use;
- Complete a physical exam;
- Fill out a brief questionnaire;
- Provide urine and blood samples.
Once you’ve joined, you’ll:
- Meet every day with a Recovery Coach, a peer with lived experience supporting you on you recovery journey;
- Receive a referral to a MAT provider;
- Be asked to provide your phone number and give permission for us to contact your provider to ensure follow up and success;
- Sign a non-binding agreement acknowledging understanding of MAT’s steps and expectations.
Congratulations on making this important step!
What Medications Are Used?
Buprenorphine, an opioid used to help end an addition to another opioid, is administered after evaluation in the Emergency Department. It triggers similar parts of the brain as some opioids, but does not provide a “high.”
Suboxone, a buprenorphine-naloxone combination, is prescribed later.
Follow-up Peer Support
Rapid Access to MAT relies upon your commitment and the support of recovery coaches, laypeople with lived addiction experience. Recovery coaches:
- Understand your recovery journey;
- Help set up appointments at treatment clinics;
- Check in with you for 10 days, providing support and guidance;
- Are available 24/7.
To Learn More
For questions about Rapid Access to MAT, please call the confidential clinician line at 802-371-4190.

CVMC Emergency Department
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week