Hospital Routines

Learn what typical routines you can expect to be a part of your stay as an inpatient at Central Vermont Medical Center.

Your experience in the hospital may be different each day. The following are descriptions and explanations of some of the typical routines that will be part of your stay in the Medical/Surgical Units, in Women and Children’s (except the Birthing Center) and in the Davis Special Care Unit.

Surgical Patients

Surgical patients will return to their hospital room after spending some time in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), sometimes known as the recovery room, when the surgery is over. Your physician will visit with you after surgery and nurses will provide your treatments.

Vital Signs

Vital signs will be checked by a nurse or patient care assistant several times a day. This may include your temperature, blood pressure and oxygen level. At times, this routine may seem inconvenient (for example, when you are sleeping), but measuring your vital signs is an important way of making sure that you are responding to your treatment.


Medications will be given by your nurse. These may take the form of pills, liquids orintravenous fluids. Before accepting any medication, make sure your doctors and nurses know about any allergies that you have experienced or any side effects that you have had to medications. You should learn about the medicines you are given, the correct dosage and any side effects. Please be sure to ask your nurse if you have any questions about your medications. If you are taking medication through an IV and the equipment starts to beep, please signal your nurse so that adjustments can be made.


Tests you will undergo may include blood work or diagnostic imaging (x-ray, PT Scan, MRI etc). Tests in the hospital may occur at any time of the day, including occasionally in the middle of the night, if necessary.